1 Corinthians 10:31
This verse has been one of my favorites for a while and is a great reminder for all of us! In everything we do - the big things and small things, let us strive to always do them for the glory of God!
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam!
"Whatever you do. Do it for the greater glory of God."
Zelie & Louis Martin
The Martin family has been very near and dear to my heart for a few years now. St. Zelie and her husband Louis had nine children over the course of thirteen years, though only five daughters would survive childhood. Their rich family environment created a firm foundation for their daughters, Pauline, Marie, Céline, Léonie, & Thérèse, who would all later enter religious life. The Martins were loving but firm in how they raised their children; after all, they were determined to make them into saints.
St. Zelie was a lace maker, and in perfecting her craft she became one of the best in the business. I can't think of a better patron for my small business than St. Zelie. I pray that with her intersession, along with the Blessed Mother, my business will always be focused on giving glory to God along with helping others grow deeper in their love for the Lord.
St. John Paul II | Letter to Artists
Saint John Paul II perhaps understood the sensibility of artists better than most pontiffs. He was, after all, a poet, playwright, and actor himself. His Letter to Artists, written in 1999, is so beautifully written and I want to share some of my favorite quotes from it that inspire me.
To read the entire letter click here